Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Posted by jinson on 12:04 No comments

The concept is to make Italian Theme Night more appetizing with the atmosphere of casual and a bit romantic.

The material that am use it is  :

  1. 2 big bottle ( am put Material that might have in Italian region such as olives, rosemary , capers and so on , to put it on longger shelf life we need to put oil on it or make some pickling )
  2. 3 Big bottle jar ( am put kinds of pasta n grains.... mix and match to make in much in colour and finishing with spaghety and linguine to make effect of three )
  3. 6 small jar ( am put it 6 kind rice )
  4. 3 plate with stand for showcase
  5. 6 small candle 
  6. 2 big candle
  7. 1 big glass jar ( am put pickling on it )
  8. 1 table math that match with the glasses

Cook with passion, pour you love on what you are doing .



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